Every life, including our own, is precious to God; the bible is clear in telling us that all life is sacred. Christians have always believed that death is not the end. Jesus’ resurrection and subsequent ascension to heaven is the fundamental hope at the heart of the Christian faith and at a Christian funeral we seek to foster that hope as we give thanks to God for the life of the person and commend their soul to God.
We are fortunate at St Michael’s to have an open churchyard (that is we still have space for new burials). The churchyard is an asset for the community and the home to much wildlife; deer, foxes and badgers have all been spotted over recent months. The churchyard also allows for the burial of cremated remains in either a new or existing grave. There are certain restrictions when it comes to the design of memorials and the ordering of the churchyard. Further information can be found here.
When arranging a funeral, initial contact is usually made on behalf of the family by the Funeral Director direct with the clergy. The minister officiating at the service will then be in contact and arrange a suitable time to meet with you to discuss the funeral arrangements.